Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Fact, Fiction and the Paranormal

Not exactly a wading pool, Skerwink Trail, NFLD.
I once saw a man get on the number 7 bus with a chainsaw. He looked like any other businessman dressed in a suit and tie, but instead of carrying a briefcase, he carried a chainsaw.

Fact or fiction?

Wade into my new blog - stories of fact, fiction and the paranormal - to find out.

I'm a freelance writer by trade. For years, I developed corporate documents and occasionally wrote for Canadian media, but I always wanted to make the leap into fiction. The chainsaw story (true) was my first piece of creative writing (creative non-fiction) that was accepted for publication. I soon gathered a filing cabinet of non-fiction pieces rejected by various literary magazines.

I finally decided to do what I always wanted to: write a novel.

After some creative writing courses, including the creative writing program at Humber College in Toronto, I wrote one. It took me several years as I toiled away on it between corporate gigs.

This is where the paranormal comes in. In my novels (yet to be published) you will find ghosts, gods, shapeshifters and maybe a vampire or two.

In this blog, I'll share with you some excerpts of the latest novel, as well as the chainsaw story and my rather large collection of rejected work.

I invite your comments (especially constructive ones) and if I should "sell it" or "shelve it"!