Here's a list of reincarnation "rules" that I gleaned from various sources while researching for my urban fantasy novel, The Obsession Begins.
According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary, to reincarnate (verb) means to bring the soul of (person) into another body after death.
In particular, my novel relates to rule number nine: sometimes it's better to avoid people from your previous lives!
- Every reincarnation gets you a new physical self, but your subconcious awareness contains knowledge of your soul and past life memories. From Discovering Your Past Lives by Gloria Chadwick
- Often a person will resemble their former self, especially the eyes or the expression in the eyes. From Old Souls: Scientific Evidence for Past Lives by Tom Shroder
- A birthmark could signify injuries or means of death from a prior life. From Old Souls: Scientific Evidence for Past Lives by Tom Shroder
- We all have abilities far beyond what we use. From Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss
- Check your vices (eg. greed, lust, etc) in the present life or you'll carry them over to another life. From Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss
- With each life you go through and don't fulfill your debts, the next one will be harder. If you fulfill your debts, your next life will be easier. From Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss
- When you have a problem with people or relationships, it is almost always due to negative karma you created in a past life. From Discovering Your Past Lives by Gloria Chadwick
- What you do to another person in a past life and in your present life, will come back to you until it is resolved. From Discovering Your Past Lives by Gloria Chadwick
- You may sometimes recognize someone from the past, but it can be a bad person, someone to avoid. From Past Lives, Future Healing by Sylvia Browne
What or who were you in a past life? Feel free to be perfectly honest or outrageous (as the mood takes you).
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